The ritual of rain
Between the agricultural customs which, in the water plays an important
role, the ritual of rain against drought is the most important one. The
fait that the waters have their own spirit exists in every country's people's
souls. It has generated a large number of mythical legends. The ritual
of rain "paparuda" it's an old mythical creation that combines
magic and religions elements. It can not be mixed up with other meanness
and tiny rituals of water. At this Romanian customs the green mask is
very important to wear. The mask is wearied by a person who's clothes
are taken of and covered by green leaves. The person who wears the mask
comes in people's courts and starts dancing by the rithm of the ritual
while other people wet him with water.
The general structure of the poetical text is:
1. The invocation towards the rain.
2. The description of the ritual.
3. The starting of the rain.
4. The effects of the rain.
This ritual is called to help plants to grow.
Dobrescu Florentina 6th grade C
Eforie Nord School, Romania
Coordinator Iuliana Neacsu-Romanian teacher
Untitled Document
Romanian traditions
Our country is well known for the beauty of its folklore and its
traditions. We are a nation that kept its ancient traditions. Romanians
are proud about their country - where they live about the beautiful places
this country has, the traditional costumes in all its regions an inheritance
from long time ago. At Bucharest exist a museum called "the village
Museum and popular art" where we can find an ethnography exhibit.
>From hundreds of years ago, from our grandparents we kept this old
traditions and costumes with sheepskin coat, traditional vest, embroidered
blouse, "fota". For many of these are just simple memories.
But sill, we are keeping the wedding tradition where we dye the eggs in
red or Christmas with carols, and all the preparative from pork, and cookies.
Another tradition "calusarii" it's a tradition kept in Stulpicani
village from a beautiful place called Bucovina on New Years Eve.
"Calusarii" is a big group of boys-who are singing carlos-they
have whites, and a "buhoi". The boys' costumes are very nice
embroidered. In their carols they ask for better year and fruitful too.
In Dobrogea- another Romanian's region in the first day "of the New
Year" is a costume is "the rowing time". "Semanatul"
that means that the boys where they carol also spread heat around for
a good harvest. This traditions and customs are interesting for the tourists
who visit our country. They also like pottery from Horezu- unic by its
colors, the Romanian costumes, folklore and music. Our people are sensible
to art and beauty; and our country had and
has money artists- well Known like big painters, pottery, artists, sculptors,
poets, writers and others.
Ioana Veru, 6th grade C
Eforie Nord School- Romania
Coordinator Iuliana Neacsu- Romanian teacher