Comenius 1.1 Project

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A typical german speciality for carneval are the "Faschingskrapfen "

The 8th Grade class are presenting to you a traditional recipe that they have tested in their cooking class.
Recipe - Yeastdough:
500 g Flour
60 g Sugar are put into a bowl,
Dash of Salt
40 g Yeast ... are crumbled on top of the dry ingredients.
250 ml Milk and
50 g Butter are heated until the butter is melted. It is then poured
over the dry ingredients and kneeded into a dough.
4 Eggyolks are added to the dough and kneeded into the dough.
Now the dough has to be placed on a warm area for about an 1 hour to rise.
The dough is then rolled out, so that it is about 3 cm thick.

Realised with the financial support of the European Comissin through the Socrates program
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