Comenius 1.1 Project

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Coppino Primary School

This is Coppino Primary School . It is settled in the centre of Turin in a residential area in Via Colombo 36, It was built at the beginning of 20th century. There are other two schools which belong to it : Rignon Primary School ( since 1999 )and Falletti Di Barolo Primary School ( since 1996). The last school has got a modern structure.
Most of classes are full time and students stay at school from 8.30 to 16.30 while few classes are modules with only 3 afternoons a week. On Saturday the schools are close.
Coppino Primary School is a dynamic school , its main aim is to satisfythe children?s educational needs. its cultural identity is based on quality , in fact it has obtained The National Certification I.S.O.
There are a lot of special projects and Comenius Project is one of them.Our children study English or French and there are laboratory activities for children who arrive from foreign countries and for who have got learning or physical difficulties.

Realised with the financial support of the European Comissin through the Socrates program
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