Comenius 1.1 Project

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Instructions: Wrapping paper

Before Christmas people buy lots of presents. They wrap them up in nice paper. This paper is rather expensive. So we decided to make it ourselves.
Here you can see and read how to make it.
Photo 1 Mix one cup of food starch and two cups of cold water.
Photo 2 Boil five cups of water. Put the starch in it. Stir well! Don't boil the mixture. Take the pot away from the cooker.
Photo 3 Put the colour into the mixture and stir.(You can take all watersoluble colours)
Let the mixture cool down.
Photo 4 Take a brush and put the paste on white paper.
Photo 5 Make the design with different tools. Dry the paper.
Photo 6 Your paper needs ironing.

Now you can use your wrapping paper!

Class 6 / Eussenheim

Realised with the financial support of the European Comissin through the Socrates program
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