
My pet is a dog. His name is Rex and Ilove him very much. He sleeps in bed
with me, and eats a lot of meet and bread. When I have time I go with him
to a walk in the park and there we play with a ball.
He has white fur and he is very sweet. He loves children very much
and usually when we go in the park he plays with them.
I wash him every day because I like to take care of him. When I go to
school it's very hard for me to separe from him. I can't wait to go
back home to play with him. He is like a brother to me, the brother that I
don't have.

Anamaria Morar 10th grade D
"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej, Romania
Cornelia Platon-teacher of English

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Last updated: May 24, 1999.