Adonis' story
I'm a cat. I am not a breed cat but everybody says that I am pretty, so I
started to believe in that. Eight months ago I was taken from my mother and left alone in
a park. I started to cry as loud as I could maybe someone
will hear me. Finally two great kids found me and took me in their apartment and gave me
something to eat. I was very surprised when their mother give me a bath. I was very scared
from the hair drier but eventually I get used to it and now I hardly can wait for anyone
to take a bath so that I jump in.
One day their grandmother of the country came and scold everyone because they let me in
the house. Eventually she throw me out wen my masters wasn't at home. I wandered for a
month, chased by dogs, other cats even by people. I was alone and I didn't know how to
come back home.
Fortunately, one evening I saw my friend Danny, he called me by my name-
Adonis and took me home. I was so happy! I didn't need food, I just wanted
to by stroked.
I know how to speak with my masters and with any man ho has time to look
at me. Each part of my body has a certain meaning to express my mood.
Terror, rage, curiosity, joy, sadness could be shown by motions of my
tail, my eyes, my ears, my muzzle. I am like an open book, wen I wan fresh
water I go to the bathroom, I lift the flap and I drink; wen I want to eat
I stand in front of the fridge and I don't move until I don't get something.
Although some says that the cat and the dog are enemies I like to play
with Imperia, the dog that Danny has. Imperia lives at the other grandmother of Danny.
After they come back from school we use to play
together. I also like to play with Maxi mrs. Gherghina`s dog, but sometimes he is mean and
he beats me.
I read someone's mind I know ho loves me and ho hates me. For days I was wen my masters
get ill. I suffered beside them. I love them very much.
If you liked my story, if you had time, if you love animals please study
us and you will learn what is love, compassion, faithfulness, patience and
Think about it and you can make a soul very happy, as my family make me.
P.S. I love you, Adonis
Povestea prietenului meu Adonis
Sunt un pisoi maidanez si pentru ca toata lumea zice ca sunt foarte frumos
am inceput sa cred ca asa este. Acum opt luni am fost luat de langa mama
mea si aruncat intr-un parc. Am inceput sa plang cat ma tinea gura, sperand sa ma auda
cineva. Intr-un tarziu, doi copii cu suflet de aur m-au gasit si m-au luat cu ei intr-un
aprtament, dandu-mi de mancare. Nu mica mi-a fost surpriza, cand mama lor mi-a facut baie
si Doamne ce tare m-a speriat uscatorul de par. Luptam din toate puterile sa scap de jetul
de aer ce venea cu zgomot, dar pana la urma m-am obisnuit si acum abia astept pe cineva sa
faca baie. Cum prind usa deschisa, sar in cada sa-mi faca baie si mie.
Intr-o zi a venit bunica de la tara care i-a certat pe toti ca m-au primit in casa si nu
s-a lasat pana cand nu m-a dat afara, cand stapanii nu erau acasa. O luna de zile am
hoinarit pe strazi gonit de caini, pisici si chiar de oameni, eu nestiind sa ma intorc
acasa. Dar norocul mi-a suras din nou. Intr-o seara ascunzandu-ma pe sub masini, m-a vazut
prietenul meu Dani care m-a chemat pe nume- Adonis, asa ma botezase, ca eram seducator
ziceau ei si m-a luat acasa. Ce fericit eram! Nu-mi trebuia mancare, nu vroiam decat sa ma
mangaie si sa ma apere de bunica de la tara.
Eu stiu sa comunic cu stapanii si cu oricine om care isi apleaca privirea
asupra necuvantatoarelor. Fiecare parte a corpului nostru are o anumita
semnificatie in exprimarea starilor afective. Spaima, furia, curiozitatea,
veselia, tristetea pot fi manifestate prin miscari ale cozii, ochilor, urechilor, botului.
Sunt ca o carte deschisa pe care poti sa o intelegi daca vrei. Eu cand vreau apa proaspata
ma duc la baie, ridic clapa de la robinet si beau. Cand vreau mancare stau la usa
frigiderului si nu ma misc pana nu primesc ceva.
Desi se spune ca pisica si cainele sunt dusmani de moarte mie imi place sa
ma joc cu Imperia, catelusa pe care o tine Dani la curte, la cealalta bunica. Ea il
insoteste pe stapani zi de zi la scoala si inapoi la apartament. Dupa ce ii da sa manance,
facem fel de fel de ghidusii spre deliciul stapanilor. Imi place sa ma joc cu Maxi,
catelul doamnei profesoare de franceza, dar uneori este indispus si ma bate.
Citesc gandurile prin unde telepatice. Stiu cine ma iubeste si cine imi vrea raul. Zile
intregi am fost trist cand s-au imbolnavit de gripa stapanii mei. Am suferit alaturi de
ei. Eu ii iubesc nespus de mult.
Daca v-a placut povestea mea, daca nu sunteti ocupati, daca iubiti animalele, studiati-ne
ca aveti ce invata de la noi, necuvantatoarele: ce
este curajul, dragostea, fidelitatea, compasiunea, rabdarea si tenacitatea. Cu siguranta
veti deveni mai buni. Ganditi-va ca puteti face un suflet ferict asa cum m-a facut pe mine
familia mea.
P.S. Va iubesc! Adonis
Dan Mihailescu, 6th grade A
Florina Serbu-teacher of history