My Pet

I like all animals but my favourite one is the rabbit.Unfortunately I don't have one but I have a little dog.His fur is grey with white spots and his eyes are very big.He has a small tail because someone cut it when he was little and on his back he has no fur because someone put hot water there.When my father brought him to me he was small and looked exactly as I described it.
Now he has fur,tail and he is very sweet.One day it was raining and the dog was out in the rain and he hadn't a cage.After the rain stopped he was very wet and he was sneezing.
This is my sweet little dog whom I love very much.

Monica Borza,15 years old
"Stirbei-Voda" High School, Calarasi           
Gratiela Preda,teacher

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Last updated: March 19, 1999.