I   think     your    pet   is           fantastic.    These are   the  names  of    my  pets;     Tammy  my  first  dog   who is  11   years  old,  Tweety   my    bird   who   is   5  years old, Brittne  my  cat  who  is   1  year  old   alex    my
chimpmunk  who  is  58  years old  and  brian  my   turtle.  If you  have  any  friends  that  have   ANY  pets    please write   me  back  and   tell  me about  them.

sincerly    ANNQUTTE 

Dear    Valeriya

I like to tell you about my bird like to eat bird food and my bird name is     domique she make noise  and  when we clean out her cage we put her in   
the bathroom and she don’t bite anybody i like to play with her a lot and      when i come home i play with her everyday and I live in Harlem.


Dear  Furtuna

My name is Bryan my turtle is green and my 4 fish is orange i live in new    york city

bryan    goldsby

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Last updated: June 03, 1999.