Dear  Paul ,

How  are  you  my  name  is  Telicia  I’ am   from  the N.Y.U afterschool in   [HW]  ‘’HARLEM    WORLD  ‘’your dog is  cool  I have a dog to   her  name is  lady. she is so active   but  I love her .that`s  all I  have to say good bye


Dear: Harjau

What  does  Kitty Kat mean where you  live. I have  a  cat and   the  cat  pleace  me.  I  have  a  cat  and   his name  is pretty.  I  love  so  much.  I   feed  him  cat  food. I  do not feed  my   kitty   kat   because  he   do  not   eat   kitty kat.  Is  your  cat  is  a  boy or a   girl?


Dear Florina,

My name is Wilmarie  Romero I like to play basketball and dance. I like to read too.  Where I from  parrots are call cotora. My favorite pet is a kitty. They are so beatiful. Do you like basketball?  Life in New York City is hard.. You have to come with a brain.  I am from Puerto Rico.

Wilmarie Romero

Dear   Valeria,

I am 10 years  old    I    have   a    cat   named    Smokey it   is      a   big    cat.    It     stays    happy it runs the     hall.     He     do     every     thing    he  surpose   to     do.    He    scraches     once    in    the     while. My    cat    is  the     best    in    the     world.    I my    best     cat.  I   litsen    to slimshady   


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Last updated: June 03, 1999.