Dear Konstantin,I see you have a cat named Fuzzy Fuzzy.Well I know a song like that. The song goes: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasnt fuzzy was he? I have a cat and he will roam my house so we named it Tiger because of that he likes to go many places and play hiding go seek. Friendly, Ericka Lowndes Hi my name is Jennifer. I have a cat named Fluffy. My cat is whire and gray. It is a
girl. She is very weird. At night, when everyone is asleep, she likes to run around the
house and jump all over everything. she likes to Your friend Jennifer Bonilla Dear Furtuna4/14/99 I Like the way you teech
your cat . I have a cat too in her name is
princess in she is 4 month. Im
11 years old in the 5th grade class.
How old are you ; and what color are you
and your cat. By: Klassic Hawkins School p.s. 123 class 5-322 |