Dear Matei Marian,

A pet that  I know is a girl dog her name is Puly she is brown eyes,a fluffy tail hairy body,and she is very short.The other animal I know is a cat it is black  and white her name is beautiful she has black eyes,long nail and they are like yellow and gray..What I like about her is that she had 5 or 6 baby
kittens and one of them is mine and I ‘am happy for the mother called Beautiful .   My baby kitten is in Dominican Republic.and I like her alot. My name is Damarys Montilla Iam pretty, smart, I have long hair, I allways ware uniform to school, I allway be good in my class and after school, Iam 11 years old,Iam from Dominican Republic.Matei how old are you? My pet is black and white her nail are yellow and gray she is very pretty.

Sincerely,  Damarys Montilla


I like the sound  of that  parrot. He sounds interesting to me. And I like his name. It’s kind of funny.The story is awesome and you are too. Maybe you should teach Kesha some reading, math and tricks, so he can be the smartest parrot in the world. I also want to tell you about my school , so e-mail me. So can I tell you something.   I’am 11 years old and In the fifth
grade. I like to run track. I win silver, gold and brown metals.  I hope you write back.   

Sincerly Floree Myers.

Dear  Ilia,

Hi my name is Tiara Johnson. I have a cat named Memphis. He is a boy. He is about   15 yrs. old.   My brother got him when he was little.
Tiara Johnson

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Last updated: June 03, 1999.