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At the beginning of the 4th class my parents promised me a dog, if I  was presumed to get if I had only very good results at school.
So, in june I got Dixy as a present. I always wanted to have a dog that I  can love, walk and feed. Dixy has a brown and clear coat, brown ayes, his nose has a hart shope, an on the chest a white coat.On each side of his head he has two long ears. The fur on his ears is waved, long and soft.
All this summer I have take care of him. My dog usually eats cook food. He
prefers fish and chicken.
One day Dixy went outside and on to the rode were many kids. He was afraid by them and in a fraction of a second he was hit by a car which  didn't see him. I immediately   picked him up and went to my neighbor which is a vet. Consulting him, the doctor saw that it was nothing dangerous. In some weeks Dixy come back to normal and it was chasing chickens around the garden.
The happiest moment of our friendship was when he appeared in  our life. I still remember the first day when we brought him home. It come out the best dog from his brothers and sisters.
The saddest moment was when Dixy got hit by a car, all the family was crying. In those moments I thought that Dixy was an Angel. But lucky him, he survived thanks to my mum which gave him injections and feet him with the siring.

Cristina Bordea
6th grade A
Florina Serbu - teacher of history

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