
My pet is a dog and I love him very much. His name is Dolly. Every day
he eats a lot. He likes to play with his ball in the yard. I go with him twice a week in the park for a walk. He likes very much children and he is very happy when I go with him in the park because there are many children. Dolly has a girlfriend and he meets her every time he goes walking and her name is Amy. One day when I went with him in the park he saw a little cat. He went to it and the cat got scared. When she realised that Dolly wanted to play with her she became very nice. And since that day I have a cat too.
I love very much my pet and also my cat Cici.

Liliana Cristoreanu, 10th grade D
"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej, Romania

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