I would like to tell you about my dog.His name is Grant and he is a German shepherd dog.I think Grant is a typical representative of his breed.He is large and very handsome. He is black with light yellow and brown spots.His ears are extremely long.So sometimes we call him our dear little hare.
Grant was born on February,5 in 1993.A month later my aunt brought him home in a big bag.He was rather fat and very funny.We didn't know how to call him.We took him out of the bag and put on the floor.His legs slid in different sides and he fell down.My Granny felt sorry for him and took him into her arms and the puppy licked her face.So Granny was given the right to choose a name for him.She called him Grant.Now Grant is 6.He is very active and brave.Most of all in his life he likes to walk.So when somebody comes home he immediately asks to take him outdoors,even if he returned back home only some minutes ago.He also likes to swim very well,even the
expression of his muzzle is very happy at that moment.Of all the seasons he likes winter very much as he enjoys playing snowballs with me and my friends. Grant likes to eat and eats practically everything.We want him to be healthy,so we follow all the advice about feeding dogs.He knows the little bottle with vitamins and when he sees that somebody took it he comes up to get his vitamin.Grant also knows the words"a bone,kitchen,let's go to the kitchen".Last year he got seriously ill.We called a vet for him.The vet prescribed him some injections and pills.The vet also said he the dog could have a heart attack so we were to control - if his ears and paws were getting colder,we were to give him some pills and make an injection to support his heart.So for the whole night we didn't sleep and from time to time touched his ears and paws. We were happy in the morning that nothing happened to the dog but all were very sleepy.Grant got well in a week because for the whole week we made him injections and gave him the pills.When the vet came again and examined him,he said that Grant got healthy only  because we did our best to save him. We all love our dog very much because he made our life brighter and happier.He is so devoted,so tender,so loving that even the worst moments become easier when he comes up to you,puts his head on your arms and looks straight in your eyes with great love and admiration.

Alexander Petriaev
School # 14, Grodno,Belarus

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