
I have a pet. It is a parrot. His name is Kuzya and I like him very much. He is so nice, funny and clever. I would like to tell a story about him.
One day, when I came home after school, I couldnt find my pet. Unfortunately, my Granny also didn't know where he was. I tried to find him everywhere, but without any result.
I could hear his song but I didn't see him. I came back to my room and saw that Kuzya sat on the table and said  ' Kuzya shut up '.

I have a friend. Her name is Tanya. She has a dog, his name is Black. Black is a very big black dog.
One day I and my grandmother visited Tanya. Black liked my grandmother very much. He kissed her so that my grandmother sat on the chair. She was surprised, but not very happy, because after that she had a little broken tooth. It was not so funny.

Julia Maltseva, Form 5v

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Last updated: February 16, 1999.