De cand eram foarte mic imi placeau catei. Iar cand am inplinit 7 ani mama si tata
mi-au facut cadou o catelusa careia i-am pus numele Ledi. Ledi este o catelusa
imperecheata dintre un pechinez si o soricara, ea este de rasa techel. Ledi este o
catelusa micuta cu par de culoare roscata si este foarte frumoasa. Cand am primit-o avea
doar doua saptamani si abia facuse ochi. Am hranit-o cu biberonul o vreme, iar dupa aceea
i-am dat sa manance ce mancam noi. Ea este un caine foarte destept, lacom si gelos.
Daca mama o iubeste si o ia in brate pe sora mea, Ledi nu o lasa in pace
pana nu o ia si pe ea.
O data am scapat-o pe strada si a calcat-o masina dar a avut noroc, doar cu o sperietura
zdravana. Noi toti o iubim foarte mult de parca ar fi membru al familiei.
Since I was a little boy I loved dogs. When I was 7 years old my mother and my
father gave me as a present a little female dog ant I named her Lady.
Lady is a small dog, a pairing made between a terrier and another small
dog and her breed is teckel.
Lady is a red little dog with short hair and it is very beautiful. When I
got her, it was only two weeks old and she could hardly see, so I fed
her with the sucking bottle.
She is part of a very smart breed dogs. She is very jealous and greedy.
Once she ran in the street and a car ran over her, but she was lucky,
only with a strong fright, and a long time she was afraid of getting
the street. Now she knows and she takes care.
Cociu Lucian, 5th grade B
Eforie Nord School
Florina Serbu - teacher of history