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Rinuzu Gimnazija Riga Latvia
Eforie Nord School Romania
Eforie Sud High School Romania
Al Papiu Ilarian High School Dej Romania
10 School Focsani Romania
Stirbei Voda High School Calarasi Romania
1811 School Moskow Rusia
HSNS,Varna, Bulgaria
Opoku Ware School Kumasi Ghana
9 School Focsani Romania
Ust Kamenogorsk Kazakhstan
2 School Zhelezndorozhny Rusia
School 14 Grodno Belarus
Strib SkoleDenmark
Mahalia Jackson PS 123 School, Harlem, New York Cith


Here are all the schools who participated at this project and made its succes.

Manny thanks for their work and best regards for the teachers, the students and their pets! :)

Florina Serbu - teacher of history

Eforie Nord School, Romania

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Last updated: May 29, 1999.