My beloved pet

My pet is a dog bought to me by a friend of my mother as  a present for my birthday. When he bought me the dog it was so little. I called her Rita. She is a spaniel coker with long ears and a beautiful brown fur. Everywhere I go I take her with me. I've bought her baby clothes and I carry her in my arms. Everybody who has seen us thought that she was a baby. She likes to play with the ball. I give her every day a piece of sugar. She is very friendly with the children.
One day I went with Rita and my father at my grandmother. I took her with me in the car. She saw a dog in the street and she jumped out from the car. She broke her leg. I took her to the doctor's to see what was wrong with her leg. I was very scared that I could lose her. But finally she got well.
She is my best friend and I love her very much.

Baratosi Iulia, 10th grade D
"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian " Highschool Dej, Romania.
Cornelia Platon - teacher of English

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Last updated: May 24, 1999.