
My pet is a dog and he's my best friend. His name is "Prince". He is
black with brown spots. When he hears a noise he barks very strong until I
go outside and I tell him to shut up. When he sees the belt he becomes
very happy because he knows that I go with him in the park for a walk. When we return I give him to eat and drink water because he has run very much in the park with other dogs. If I forget to go whit him for a walk he becomes very sad and barks very nervous at me. He is very friendly with the kids but he is very agressive with the strange men. When he sees a cat he chases her until he gets tired.
I love him very much because he is cute, friendly and very afectuos with me and my parents. If he died I would cry very much after him and I couldn't love any other dog like this one.

Ciprian Capalnas, 10th grade D
"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej, Romania
Cornelia Platon - teacher of English

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Last updated: May 24, 1999.