
My pet is a dog that I found in the street. His name is Puffy. He has brown eyes and scarlet fur. He is a small dog, but I love him a lot. Puffy was abandoned in the street I suppose, but when I saw him I took him with me. My brother was very happy to see him. We give him to eat only meat.
One day he went out and he didn't come back. I thought I lost him,
but in the night he came back to his home. I was very happy. My brother
cried for happiness. At the beginning my father didn't agree with us. He didn't want to keep the dog. When I brought Puffy to my grandmother, my father started to miss him. So we brought Puffy back to our place. We made a cage for him, but after two months he began to sleep in bed with me and my brother. We couldn't live now without him because he's a real friend. As the proverb says: "Dog is man's best friend!"

Andreea Vekony, 10th grade D
"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej, Romania

Cornelia Platon-teacher of English

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Last updated: May 24, 1999.