
My pet is a dog and his name is Rinty. This dog is not very big but he is very sweet. His fur is black. I think that this dog is not a bed dog. I love him very much. I can say that he is a part of my life because I got him when I was three years old.
When I want to play with him he pretends to bite me and then he runs away very happy. I pretend then to be very angry and try to catch him but I can't because he is very quickly. I'm sure that he likes the children and the children like him. When he is ill I take care of him.
When I go to school he comes with me and when the bus is coming he
goes back home. He also waits for me when I come back from school.

Claudia Urean,10th grade D
"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej, Romania

Cornelia Platon-teacher of English

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Last updated: May 24, 1999.