Sinclair and Overtin

My name is Darryl Justin Barton.  I had a bird but it died.  But I bought   two new birds named Sinclair and Overtin. Overtin died died when he got out of the cage.


Dear Yaa

I   don’t  think  that  all   pet      animals were  meant to  be    in a   house but   you  are  correct   about  a   pet being   a friend’s.  Maybe we can be friend  I’m 13 .I live in a realy big house  with   my mother   sister and my father. I had 24  hamster’s they all died.

Love  Shani

Dear Ilia,

Hello My name is Shawn. I had 5 dogs but my uncle gave them away, because they were too big.  I go to school at PS123 which is located at 141 street.


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Last updated: June 03, 1999.