To Alia Arabchikova

Hello , my   name  is   Shadashja   Jackson. I am   11  years  old. Im  in  the  5 th  grade I  have   a   goldfish  that’s  my   pet.Her name  is   Lameca.My  goldfish  always   jump up  in  the    air   and   go  back   in     the water.I  like  my  goldfish  very    much

Sincerely, Shadashja  Jackson

Dear Konstin Iednyov

I  have  a  pet  that  is  black  and  white.     It is  a  cat  and  it ‘s  small and   I  like  my  cat   because  it  love’ s   me.  My  cat   is nice  to   me   and
he  will  be nice  to you . I  hope  you  write  back.


Dear   Friend

Hi  ,my name is  Cynthia  Luz Martinez  and  I am  11   years old my birthday  is on  febuary  10. I am in the 5th grade. My   friend is my cat Patches. He scratches me alot but I love  him  very   much. My cat is 3  years old .I love him except  when  he   pounces on my feet.

Cynthia Martinez,  grade : 5    age:  11
New York City

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Last updated: June 03, 1999.