Tuti, my friend

My favorite dog is a Cocker female named Tuti.
I have chosen a dog because I like them very much because they are very friendly and loved by everybody. It came in our family four month ago, she was very happy, because her old masters keeped her in a very small place in their apartment and she was used to play all day long.
I understand her, and we all are, by her faces.
Usually we understand her when she want to eat, and we give her food especially fruits. She sleeps in the hall near her friend Pety, my second dog.
It is very nice to play with her, but you can' t catch her because she runs like a crazy.
Tuti wasn't ill, and her passion are the cats; when she see them she runs
after them like the wind.
The most sad moment in her life was when my neighbour and also colleague Kitty tried to cut her hair and she cut her ear.

Paul Inel,
6th grade A
Eforie Nord School

Florina Serbu - teacher of history

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Last updated: February 14, 1999.