We are “Calistrat Hogas” secondary school from Tecuci, Romania. Our school has 125 years tradition and it has remarked with very special achievements in fields like literature, Mathemathics, Physics, Chemistry, Social Science, Computing, History and other disciplines. At this point we want  to enlarge our collaboration with similar schools in the UE  in different projects and programmes. One of these is “Spring Day”. We have already work on the next activity plan:



1.      Debate with the members of “Ardor” Club. The debated motion is: “If Integrating in UE, Diminishes the Autonomy of the States?”. In this activity an affirmative  team and a negative one  will sustain different positions and they will give arguments. The debate will be a demonstrative one, so it will be public. The guests will be members of public institutions like: The City Mayor of Tecuci , The City Library, Business Men, Teachers from other schools in Tecuci etc…



2.      Secondly our pupils are preparing an exhibition of postcards, drawings, posters and graffiti. The theme is “The Future of European Youth”. They will show their  own  vision of youth status in an integrated Europe.



3.      A group of younger students  will design a flag representing The Parliament of Europe Youth.



4.      The first issue of the magazine ‘Let’s make our voice heard’.


This way we express our  concerns regarding the common future of European states and the solidarity with young people from  Europe.