Balkan Voices



Magic Spring

February 3rd week

A review of the most genuine popular rhapsodists (authors and often interpreters of long epic works calling up impressive moments in the life of the people. Recently the terms implies also creators and musical interpreters of ballads - old or contemporary ones), famous popular
fiddlers in Gorj, this event combines the archaism of old popular ballads with the freshness and vigour of filddlers' love and drinking songs, brings before the spectators virtuosos who pipe using tree leaf, a fish scale and blow the fifa (a pipe made of the petiol of the pumpkin, elder leaf or hemlock stem. Its sounds alternate with the sound of the
interpreters' voice. It is usually women who play it), the panpipe, the pipe, the bagpipes, the vuva (a musical instrument of oriental origin, made of sheepskin stretched on a rim with bells. It is used to emphasze satirical "strigaturi").
The meeting between Gorjan rhapsodists and popular fiddlers designed to preserv and turn to account the rich popular music in this part of the country which has given to our folk culture famous singers such as Ioana Zlataru from Runcu and Maria Lataretu from Balcesti, the most illustrious interpreter of Gorjan music, is of great interest to folklore lovers - specialists and amateurs as well. This part of the
country has also given to us one of the most representative modern sculptor, Constantin Brancusi.

Adina Huza
"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej, Romania
Coordinator teacher: Cornelia Platon

BV Traditons-Spring 3


The Tradition of Dying of Easter Eggs

Eggs are dyed in red for Easter because when Jesus Christ was crucified. His mother named Maria came to Him. While she was mourning for Him, the Savior's blood was flowing on the eggs in the basket.Because of the red blood of the Savior the eggs became red.This is why this tradition is kept.

Andreea Manea, 5th grade A
Eforie Nord School-Romania
Coordinator Iuliana Neacsu-Romanian teacher

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Last update March, 15, 2001 For more information contact Florina Serbu