Me and my pet




My pet
My pet is name Chapa. This is black white breast, small very clever dog. On the photo is two dogs.The little dog is name Kiddy.This dog had been very beautiful, clever and funny. Kiddy had been son Chapa. He had born 8 years ago.Chapa had born 3 puppys. Kiddy had been the same little and very delicate puppy.He had not eaten and my father had fed his broth. The 1999 year he had died. Chaps is,his mother,11years. Chapa had come himself and had sat at the entrance. My father had out off hers expels , but she had come back. I had persuaded the parents take the dog. The dog understands all. Hers not offends,because dog can in a answer bite. The pet likes caress. My dog eats all. Chapa possible likes the sweets, the mandarins , raw the potatoes. Chapa prefers meat and fish foods. My pet sleep on the arm-chair, sametimes on the sofa. Chapa is rather old dog, therefore she not often to play, but likes to play. On day Chapa had losed in the street. She fear a machine.On the street was dark. Chapa had get frightened the machine , and had run .My father had search dog very long . When he had found hers , she had frightened. Other funny the event. When I have gone in the home from walk with the dog late evening ,I have left what Chapa in the home . The night we had hear with bark's. The neighbour had gone in the home and our Chapa had not permit enter their in the home . They had stood in the porch about one hour.

Ulianova Nadejda 11C form

"A grateful cat "
A man who lived alone,always had two plates on dinner-time .One plate was for the man and the other for his cat.There were also two chairs by the table. One of the chairs was the cat's chairs. During dinner the man always gave the cat some food from his plate. One day when the man sat down to dinner ,the cat ran into the room and jumped into her chair.And what do you thunk the cat did? She put a mous into the main's plate. In this way the cat showd huw
grateful she was to her master. With the best regards!

Teplov Fjodor

The second story
I have a cat .Her name is Murka.She caught mice very well and put it on my chest.I think cats are very grateful and clever. We have some move interesting sayings about cats . We'll send them to you

Galaev Denis
Teacher: Medvedev Igor

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina Serbu