Me and my pet



Liceul "Al. Papiu Ilarian", Dej

Si hamsterii sunt frumosi!
Povestirea incepe cu un hamster ce se plimba nerabdator de colo-colo si vroia sa-l cumpere si pe el cineva. Acel cineva am fost eu. Vom face cunostinta cu Riki, un hamster grijuliu, care isi strange hrana intr-un singur colt si nu o risipeste, mancand-o in pace. Deseori cand se plimba prin casa mai face si el cate-o boacana, destul de mare uneori. Intr-o zi, hamsterul cel curios s-a urcat pe draperie. Nestiind ca este acolo, mama a deschis geamul, iar Riki a cazut pe dunga patului rupandu-si un dinte. Fratelui meu i-a dat destula bataie de cap, ingrijindu-l o saptamana. Nu trece mult timp iar fratele meu il lasa din nou singur prin casa. Nu stiu cum se face, fratele meu fiind neatent, Riki inta in dulapul cel mare cu haine. Toata ziua l-am cautat in dulap si nu l-am gasit. I-a ros mamei o bluza buna, facandu-si un culcus moale din ea. Mama vazand ce i-a facut hamsterul, i-a tras fratelui meu o bataie pe cinste.
Acestea au fost doar doua dintre boacanele lui Riki. Dar oricum ar fi, noi tot il iubim si il rasfatam.

Criste Alexandru Clasa a VII a B

My name is Adina Huza. I'm a student in nineth grade at "Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool from Dej, Romania. I would like to tell you about my dog, Kiss, a wonderful Tekell. I have chosen this dog as a pet, because I know dogs are very loyal. By his gestures he answers all my requests. I can see that he understands me completely, giving me a comfort when I'm sad.
Kiss is a middle size dog, with black fur and he has a brown spot under his chin, on the ears and on his inferior legs. He has big ears, a naughty tail which he waves when he is flattered. Everyone is fascinated by his look; he has black eyes and his sight is a very friendly one.
Often, when my father goes hunting, me and Kiss are his companions. Kiss is very helpful and very obedient. Kiss became part of the our family when he was one month old; now he is 9 months. He is very well taken care of, being checked out from time to time by a vet. He likes to swim in the river near my town, but he is also cleaned at home. He's got his favourite shampoo and brush. He also has some clothes for winter. During summer he sleeps outside, in a cage built by my father, but in winter time he sleeps in the house. I consider him my best friend so I want him near me all the time. I walk with him, we play and I caress him when he goes to sleep. Because of the good care and attention he has never got sick. But last year,
when my father took him hunting he ate something from the field and got an indigestion. We called for the vet, I was so scared. He gave him a proper treatment and he was cured in a few days. Like other dogs he likes to run and he always follows my father's car to the gate.
One day he got out in the street and he was almost run over by a car, but as lucky as he is, he got away safe. In that brief moment when he was stumbling under the wheels of the car, I froze thinking that I'll lose him. But when everything was over I grabbed him and said to myself that nothing would keep us apart from then on. Since then he has been very
obedient and never leaves the yard. He is a good friend, faithful and fond of my family. I love him with all my heart.

Adina Huza, grade 9 D

Me and my pet
My pet is a hamster. He has brown fur and black eyes. When I first saw a hamster I was out with my father. I liked it very much and I wanted one. The next day when my father came home from work, he gave me a present, he had brought me a hamster. He was very little and wild. I took care of him, I put him in a glass-box. On the first day I let him there, I didn't touch him because he was frightened. The next day I started playing with him and taming him. I gave him more attention and so, he became fond on me. You have to be careful with hamsters, because if their teeth grow too much, they can't breath and they die. So I give him more carrots and potatoes. In a sunny day I left him on the balcony, without knowing that the Sun can be mortal. When I got home from school, I saw him sad and I put him in my hand and he died. I was very sad and I cried for him, but in the same time I learned that if you wanted to breed a pet then you needed to learn how to do it, to avoid such sad happenings.

Matei Monica, class 9
"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej, Romani
Coordinator Cornelia Platon - teacher of English

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina Serbu