Coordinators discussions
Dear Florina,
I would like to recommend a project to you where
the written works of your students on the topic "Pets and Animals
We Live With" and a few more couldbe published. The essay should
be illustrated by a scanned picture.Go to
and contact
Joan Toy at
Tell her that you heard from me about the project. My
students enjoy publishing there. Click on the map of Europeto see their
Best wishes,
Violeta Tsoneva, Ph. D.
EFL Teacher
German Language High School
26 Pozitano St
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
> Buna ziua!
> Multumesc pentru petzi!:)
Si noi va multumim. Copiii nostri au lucrat in numar mare. Eu v-am trimis
vreo 7-8 mesaje cu contributii, sper ca le-ati primit pe toate. Si mai
avem cateva.
> I-am vazut si pe pisi si pe cutu, dar nu-i pot trimite pe conferinta.
O sa-i
> pun mai incolo pe pagina de web!
Daca am eu timp sa fac pagina web cu contributiile noastre la My Pet
o sa va tin la curent.
> mai asteptam,
Ioana Dumitru
Liceul ''Mihai Eminescu' Calarasi
Dear Florina,
It was great to get
your invitation to take part in the project "Me and My Pet".
My pupils were very interested in it and brought me their stories long
time ago. Unfortunately I fell ill and could neither send their stories
nor write to you. Please excuse me for such long silence. This time
I'm sending some stories. Florina, I have got some questions about the
project. Where can the children see their stories? Should they go to This question appeared in my mind because I went
to this address and saw that all stories are dated by February, 1999.
But where are the stories dated by 2000 and 2001? And one more question:
what should my pupils and me do next? I mean: should we write answers
to other children's letters or should we just wait to the answers to
our letters or anything else? I'll be waiting for your answers. Best
Alena Beliaeuskaya,
Gymnasium 2, Minsk, Belarus
Hello dear Florina,
How are you? It's Alena from Minsk. I was very
glad when I received your e-mail and read that the e-mail with my pupils'
compositions had come to you successfully. This time I have got only
two new pets stories to send you but I hope I will have more of them
later. Some boys and girls also promised me to bring their pets' photoes.
Florina, my pupils have got a question, "Is it possible to write
an answer to other pupils' pets stories?" Could you answer this
question please?Best wishes,
Alena Beliayeuskaya,
gymnasium 2, Minsk, Belarus (
Hello Florina,
I am a teacher of computers and a teacher
of I*EARN in school-gymnasium #1, Shopokov town, Kyrgyzstan. My students
and I are eager to participate in Me and My Pet Project.
Can You inform us about this project in detail, pleaseBest
Evgeny Krotov
Dear Florina,
We are school #1 Zelva, Grodno region, Belarus,
and we'd love to participate in your progect. Please register our school
if it is not late yet. Sincerely,
Olga Skiba and my students

| The Project | Discusiions|
Participants | Photo Album
Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina