Me and my pet



Eforie Nord School

When the master eats, the cat says:
-Please God! Make it to fell from his mought so I can eat too!.
The dog says:
-Please God to remane from him so that I can eat too!

Catalin Cojocaru, 7th form A

Hy, I am Bianca and I have a dog named Lisa. When it was small we thought that is a breed dog, but we were wrong. In spide of that we helped her to grow up. It slept and ate with us. Lisa is a dog with brown skin, it has wite socks and brown eyes. She is very obedient. When we tell her to sit it listen to us. It is my sister's child and she loves her very much. We talk with her and we defend her when it makes pranks. The amusement begins when we bath her because it doesn't like it. I hold her and my sister baths her. Our parents love her very very much too, but sometimes my mother qarrel her because it is very stubburn. When my father tells her "let's go to sleep Lisa" it kisses us and it goes. In a few lines I told you about my "niece" :)))

Bianca Neacsu 7th from A

Hello! My name is Adelina and I have a dog. Her name is Bella. It is a very beautiful dog. Her fur is brown and it's very fluff. It is funny and it play with me every day. It is a very busy dog.
It eats meat, milk and sometimes eats fruits. It likes ice cream.It sleeps, plays, eats and sometimes runs in the house.This is her program. In the morning it gets up very early and get up me. Sometimes is very bad but I like it because it is my dog. I love it and Bella loves me.

Badea Ana-Adelina, 6th form B
Coordinator: Serbu Florina

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina Serbu