Eforie Nord School
Animalul meu preferat este pisica. Eu am gasit
o pisica in spatele casei caruia i-am pus numele Miti. Are labutele
si urechile negre, iar corpul gri. Coada o are stufoasa si neagra. Este
siameza. De fiecare data cand scriu se aseaza pe caiet si miauna. Cand
o las afara, vine la mine cu un soricel. Ea prinde soarecii, numai ca
sa se joace cu ei. Intr-o zi, cand am lasat-o afara nu s-a mai intors.
Peste o saptamana s-a intors plina de motorina. Nu am mai putut s-o
bag in casa asa ca tatal meu a lasat-o la un bloc. Am mai avut multe
pisici, dar nu ca Miti. Imi e dor de ea.
Cotloana Oana-Mihaela, 5C
Animalul meu preferat
Animalul meu preferat este pisica. Eu am o pisica pe nume Alma.
Ea are trei ani si este frumoasa si jucausa. Cand am adus-o avea trei
luni si se juca de parca era copil mic. Acum a crescut si se spala toata
ziua. Mereu cand ii fac baie ei nu ii place sa stea in apa. Dupa ce
ii terminam de facut baie ea se spala dar eu nu o lasam sa se spele.
O iubesc foarte mult.
Preda Alexandra, 5C
Two little dogs got born last year: a boy and a girl. The fact that
my mother knew the owner of the little dogs was a chance for me. I asked
my mother to bring me a another pet because I
was very upset for the death of my little friend, a white rabbit named
Bella. On a beautiful autumn evening, I met for the first time the little
dog who will become my best pet friend. In the memory of the little
rabbit I given it the same name: Bella. In the present it is one year
and a couple of month old and it likes to run and to play all the time.
Her favorite food is Chappy,but it eats whit pleasure different kind
of food. Now it's very sad because her
first kids died three month ago. I hope it will have another kids who
will be healthy. I love you Bella!
Badea Corina Elena
5th grade A,
Coordinator Florina Serbu
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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina