"Versme" Secondary School, Kaunas
My pet
My favourite pet is cat. I love all cats very
much. I always wanted to have a cat and now I have it. Now I will tell
you how it came to our house. Two years ago as each morning I got up
and read the newspaper. Suddenly I saw an advertisement. It said that
one woman could give little cats free. I was very happy for that because
I always wanted to have a cat. It was summer so the weather was fine.
I took a bag for the cat and went to that womans place. When I
came there I saw five beautiful kittens. Their colours were different.
One was black, the second was white with black, another one was all
white, the fourth was tabby and the fifth was brown with white and black
spots. But the most beautiful to me was the black kitten. It was a female.
So I decided to take it. The kitten was so sweet. When I brought it
home I was so happy that I played with it all that day. It was like
a dream. The kitten was born that summer on the 17th of August and when
I brought it home it was about three weeks old. So I needed to think
a name for my sweet pet. As I said my cat was black (as a matter of
fact it was black brown and now
it is black brown too). My pets fur is very soft and fluffy but
not long so I decided to call my cat Puke. Puke is light like a down.
Its eyes are round, green and they are shining (especially in
the dark), the ears are short and steep, the nose is black and little,
the teeth are little too but they are also very sharp like its
claws, the whiskers are long and very sensitive. Thats why the
cat can feel with them the temperature of the weather or food. My cat
is very merry and playful. Now my pet is two years old but it likes
to play very much. Puke plays not only with me it plays with herself
too. The cat takes a clew, a sweet or a ball and rolls them along the
ground. My cat is very clever. It can open doors itself. Puke is very
nimble. It can jump so quickly and easily that you even cant notice.
When Puke plays it gives a lot of pleasure and joy to everybody. When
I am going to bed the cat goes with me too. When I am sleeping my pet
likes to sleep on my neck, on my foot or on my pillow. I like that too
because my cat is very soft and warm. But no matter how good it is to
be with Puke sometimes it makes a lot of trouble. Pukes claws
are very sharp but however it likes to sharpen them to the armchairs,
sofa, wardrobe, carpet or other pieces of furniture. After that the
furniture can become not so nice. Also when Puke is playing sometimes
it runs so quickly that it throws down the flowerpots or something else
that can be broken. Its rather funny but once I left a piece of
uncooked meat on the table and went out. When I returned I found my
cat on the table. It was licking and the meat was gone. I understood
that Puke had eaten that meat. My pet isnt very fastidious. It
eats cooked and uncooked meat, apples, sweets, tomatoes, carrots and
Whiskas. Puke drinks milk, water, sometimes tea. So for
all this I love my cat very much. Puke always makes me smile and relax.
I will always love and care of my sweet little friend.
Viktorijos imoliunaites 9a
teacher Ruta Jukneviciene
"Versme" secondary school
Kaunas, 3029, Lithuania

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina