Kaunas Silainiai Secondary School
Me and my Pet
I have a very beautiful dog. It's boxer breed.
It's name is Lora. I lad very many dogs , therefore I have chosen it.
Lora came to our family about a year a go. Lora eats everything , that
we eat . But when it sees PEDIGREE , it starts to bark often my mother
feeds Lora.
Lora sleaps in bed with me . Sometimes with mother and father . Lora
likes to play very much . Thanks God , but it has never been sick .
The happiest event in it's life was when we went to tha forest and when
Lora was lost . We were worry very much. But after hours Lora came back
to our home. We were very surprised.
Eufrozina Grikstaite 8B
Me and my pet
I have a cat, it,s name is Kitca. I named
her Kitca, because she responded only to this name. She likes to eat,
play and sleep very much. She likes to eat fish and drink milk. Even
she likes to eat meat and ice scream. She often sleeps in my room and
my bed. Mostly she likes to play with me. Even she likes to play with
my toys. She is very frantic. She is white with black dots. She doesn't
like to bathe.
Ugnes Tomkutes 8b
I have a big dog. My dog's name is ,,KINGAS''.
I have choosen him,because I like big dogs very much.And because I like
to play with my dog and to go for a walk with him. He came to our family
two years ago. He is a very good dog.He listens to my orders. He eats
almost everything:bones,various dogs'food. I feed him,but sometimes
my mother helps to feed him. He likes CHAPI and PEDIGREE food. He sleeps
in his own bed,on the carpet. He likes to playvery much. My dog was
sick,when he hurt his leg.
Aurimas Suopys
Kaunas Silainiai secondary school

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina