Me and my pet



"Carmen Sylva" High School Eforie Sud

Hello! My name is Julian and my passion are dogs. My pets name is Betty. She is a nice german shepperd and her passions are food and play.She is a very playfull dog. She is 2 years and three mounths old and I brought her at one year old. Her size is medium and is very inteligent. I like to train her because training is a play and she likes to play. She takes care of my yard and nobady is able to come in except my parents,a few of my friends and.... that's all. She hates cats and so I.She loves very much her dogneighbour, Berta. Is very souspicious with strangers and she smells all the house after a person goes out. She is a member of my family by one year. She is two years and four months old. At first, when I saw her for the first time, Betty was very agressive. Five persons and one appertement wore her world. Her master decided to give her to somebodyelse because she was a problem in the house. If she wore home alone for a few hours all the appertement transformed into a desoster, and because her agresivity her master hasn't found a new master for Betty. She risqued to be shut
but..... the luck found her: one afternoon my father's cousin and asked us if we want to adopt Betty. We decided to do that and now, my family has four members: my father, my mother, " me and my pet".

Iulian Roncea, 9th form

Eu am un iepuras. Se numeste Ricky. El a ajuns in familia mea intr-o zi de toamna. Cand am fost la tara, unchiul meu avea zece iepuri. Ricky mi se parea cel mai simpatic; era cel mai mic. Eu am venit cu iepurasul acasa. Mama, cand l-a vazut, s-a mirat. Cu Ricky nu prea pot comunica. El este un iepure, nu caine sau pisica. Pe caine si pisica ii strigi pe nume, ei mai inteleg dar un iepure nu intelege. Ma joc cu el destul de mult. Cand il iau in casa se plimba, fuge, vine dupa mine si face multe nazdravanii: roade cablurile. El mananca: morcovi, salata, varza, iarba, mere, cartofi, paine si multe altele. Prefera morcovi. Doarme in balcon. Il hranesc eu cu mama. Spre norocul lui nu a fost niciodata bolnav. Este vesel cand il duc in fata blocului si ii dau drumul prin iarba. Fuge, mananca iarba, dar vine inapoi. M-a mirat faptul ca atunci cand plecam venea dupa mine. Daca nu-l bag in casa, macar odata pe zi, este trist. Eu cred ca s-a obisnuit cu mine si ii place. Este gri cu alb si-i foarte destept. Tin la el foarte mult!

Enciu Lucia-Elena
clasa a-VI-a B


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