Me and my pet



New York City

Our dog for a day
This is how it happenned: suddenly. One minute our yard was empty and the next there was a dog dashing through. Me and my friend Lisa saw it and called it into the house. Then we realized it was a very fine dog, so we called it "Corn" after a very fine staple food in our country. We were happy to have found Corn and we were pleased. But some time later we saw someone walking around the neighborhood shouting out a name and whistling. The name wasn't "Corn" but we understood that Corn must really have another name and belong to someone else. We felt sad but we understand how much a family loves their pet and so we opened the door and said goodbye to Corn. Corn ran back to his mom. Our kitchen was lonely without Corn, our dog for a day.

Miriam Rahav
New York City USA

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina Serbu