Comenius 1.1 Project

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Introducing pupils at Cabueñes school

Hello, we are pupils from 5º A classroom. We are 10 years old. We are 13 pupils in our classroom, it is he smallest one of the school.We really enjoy breaktime and going on excursion. We are a group of mates who work hard and we get on well all together.
!look at the photo carefully! Do you think we are tall? The one wearing glasses is David. The girl on the right is Alicia, the dark girl on left is Elisa .There are two girls that look similar ,because they are twins, one is Isabel , and the other girl is Alicia , who is sat down next to Alvaro, the boy with a red jumper. The three in the last line,in front of the wall are Sandra,Aurelio and Barbara, Under the clothes rack are Jenifer and Daniel.In the middle of the classroom are Maria and Roberto.Alone in the middle of the classroom ,with a red jumper and dark hair is Alejandro.
Bye for now.

6th grade A

1) When he arrives, he burns the football course. He wants to be Ronaldo. His eyes are like the earth.and his hair is brown and yellow. He is thin and happy and he always smiles. He is wearing a necklace.Don´t invite him to a disco, because he would take a goal and a ball.

2) He is gossipy smart with a big heart. He is so conceited as a prince. When he goes to Pajares (ski resort ) he comes back by ambulance. Be careful! Even with a safetybelt he can break something.

3) Her name flies and takes the peace with her wherever she goes. She is a Know-all tree who listen to the music of the air and she reads even the jungle book.She gets information without aerials. She is so kind that everybody loves her.She´s got black hair, like coal, her eyes are sad, they give you peace.

4) Look for a head like a ball, with brown eyes and jet-black hair in an oval body and with a big heart.A heart is riding a bike.

5) Don´t confuse her with a tree in autumn, a giraffe dressed with freckles,a blonde friend with blue eyes, She´s our Snow-white of fire and gold. Your stare can be
6) caught by her wheat tangled loose hair and her sunshine friendship.

7) A lynx-girl with a chick´s flowing hair and colour eyes like a drop of water in the sky., when she plays football ,she fights like a Viking warrior girl . She is a human calculator and a Forest Gump doing exams.

8) He will see very well if he is behind glasses.You can see the twin towers standing up. If he steps on you, you will become paralysed one month, because he uses a forty-three size shoe. He´s got Cuban lips, but he doesn´t move very well. Tall and strong and pathetic as a goalkeeper.

9) If you are near him, you don´t need to go shopping. Hand-ball, ball with a tuned-up nose. He is always playing everything and doesn´t get tired or upset.Indurain with a hindu girl´s forehead.

10) His favourite football team is Real Madrid and he can fly to Texas. He takes sunbathing with a strainer in a golden wheat field. A troublemaker rabbit showing off with the ball which you can find among your favourite cartoon character.

11) Smiley and lively squirrel. Restless and busy as a bee ;a joker with a nose like a ping-pong ball who is always telling stories.

12) She takes care of her voice to become a singer when she grows up. , She beats time with her mane, moving her head between her shyness and her happiness.

13) She dreams to be tall. She is very short and you know she is here. How is she screaming! Ant with legs of a hare and in a Ferrari of 500 horses power engine.

14) Tall and vain like a small rat. She breaks her classmates´ hearts on Friday with her golden curls.

15) She is quiet, serious and long like the shadows of cypress,she shelters any animal she sees,and caresses them with her honey eyes.She hides her smile to a better occasion and covers her shyness long jet hair.

16) He is as easy to convince as to eat a stuffed olive. We love here, at Cabuenes, this funny turtle.

17) A big hart flowers on a tuft of his hair . He is very strong, there, where he glances, he doesn´t put his hand. He always answer to your hurt. When he cries he kisses you.

18) He is a short, grumpy boy.He has got a small curl like a baby in famous image of a perfume, well known here.Serious and short. When he is under the goalposts, he turned into a true Casillas .

19) He would be a duck if he wasn´t so tall. If you go with him to the cinema , it´s sure yhat he slips in without embarrass.

20) She will pride herself on being Picasso and Becquer
She is in the last music, in the last fashion and in the last word in luxury.
And the girl coming now is taking as model, and she always poses for their school-mates.

21)You can see on her face, at a first glance, These eyes like plates, full of great charm and great kindness.
She combs her curly hair, always tousted, because, she rides her horse.
She likes playing piano and collecting marbles.
It is said she is very clever but she can be conceited of working hard and of being answerable. At the moment she can´t be conceited of being tall.

We are class 3 in Cabueñes Primary School in Gijón, Spain.
We are 8 and 9 years old.
We like school very much. We like drawing, music, maths,sports,... and we like cartoons: Club Megatrix, Yoguio, Bleblade, Sclub7, Spiderman, Superman, Scooby-Doo, Dragon Ball GT, the Simpsons, Supergirls,
Our favourite food is fabada, and we like pizza too.
Yesterday, November the 14th., we went to the theatre to see a play: "The little Magic Flute" from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. WE ENJOY IT! IT WAS GREAT!
Our hobbies are: riding bike, swimming, going to the beach, reading and playing football.
We'd like to know how do you celebrate Chritsmas.
TELL US, PLEASE! We´ll write to you soon explaining how our Chritsmas'eve is like.
Bye from now.

We are pupils from 4B class. Our names are:
-Claudia, Marina, Rafa, Sebastián, Guillermo, Ramón, Javier ad Carla.
- Álvaro, Ana and Yonecyre.
- Gonzalo, Miguel González, Miguel Álvarez, Diego Solar, Laura
- And Diego Rendueles.

Our teacher is Geli. She is very kind.
We are wainting for your e-mail
Goodbye and best wishes.

Hello, we are pupils in 5ºB class from Cabueñes school, in Gijón..We are 14 pupils in this classroom. Boys like playing sports, modern music , computering and watching T.V.. Girls (we are only three) like dancing, singing, computering and some sports. The girls ´names are from left to right :Carolina, Mar and Claudia. Behind them are Daniel with a blue shirt and Mateo with dark hair. With brown jumper Ricardo and with white jersey is Julen. Behind this one is Sergio and the last one is Alejandro.
In the other photograph , the first one is Javi with bleu jumper, after him and also dressed in blue is Jorge. Behind Jorge there are three boys: Sergio, Rodrigo and finally is Nacho.
Greetings from Spain, Pupils from 5ºB

Pen Pals

Eforie Nord School

6th grade A

3rd grade B

2nd grade A


Cabuenes School

4th grade A


Coppino Primary School


Realised with the financial support of the European Comissin through the Socrates program
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