
I have a pet. It is a cat. It is a tom-cat. His name is Hamilton. He is six years old. We took our cat when he was one month old. It happened so that our friends had asked us to choose a kitten. We went to visit them. We saw five pretty fluffy kittens. They were very nice. We liked them all, but we had to choose only one. It was a dificcult task. Four of the kittens ran towards us, but one of them had hidden under the basket. We decided to take it. This is the story of our Hamilton.
At first he missed his mum, sisters and brothers. Later he got used to our family. We like him very much.  I like playing with him very much. He is lively, friendly. But sometimes he becomes angry and bites everybody. He is white and ginger. He has a spot on his face. He likes playing hide-and-seek with us. He loves eating fish. He drinks water. But when he was a little kitten, he preferred Coca-Cola. All my family love Hamilton.

Valeriya Kim, Form 4v

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