Before 1989 provisioning
with foods was difficult, but not because of money like in our days, because
of the market, which were empty. But,with a little effort you could feed
your family. Then you could watch TV only a few hours everyday and everything
was censured. Now everyone has the right to tell what he wants. The big
problem of our days is the unemployment. Before 1989 you could find many
jobs, but now...Now, we have the right to
our own opinion, but most of us trye hard to survive. For a retired like
me it's even worse.
I interviewed my grandfather,
Paul Inel, 8th grade A
Eforie Nord School, Romania
From the oldest times
people tried to find sociopolitical structures which could bring welfare
to everyone. Therefore a lot of books have been written such as "City
ofSun" ("Fortress of Sun") written by Tomaso Campanela.
Later these ideas were taken by social trends one of them being the communism.
The communism was installed for the first time in Russia being later imposed
as a political trend around its fronteers.The communism was imposed in
our country as well as in other countries. All the private properties
went to the state everything being carefully controlled. Man's work wasn't
appreciated at its true value because all the people were considered equal,
which couldn't be true. This system was closed in such a way that nobody
could have access on the International Market neither to its technology.
Humans became more and more poor and they were forced to bear winter frost
in their houses without enough heating, the power breaking for economy
and the insufficient materials for basic needs were other exasperating
problems. To maintain the calm inside the system
was created a permanent security service, so that people couldn't express
the dissatisfaction. The press was controlled while the ruler, in the
case of Romania Ceausescu, was celebrated and considered"the best
son of the nation" being surrounded
only by people which and encouraged his decisions.
In time the dissatisfaction of a whole nation transformed
into what will later be called as - the Romanian Revolution.
The result of this political regime was disastrous:
- thus it was necessary to change the economical centralized system in
order to fit it in the European frame.
- the new economical transition lead to a tremendous drop of the national
currency value- the country being very often on the verge of collapse.
Although it seemed at the beginning as a very generous idea, the communism
proved to be nothing but a social disaster for many countries.
Interview realized with Vicoveanu Georgeta, 55 years, retired from the
"Grand" Sanatorium, Eforie Nord.
Vicoveanu Iulia Valentina
8th grade A, Eforie Nord School
coordinator:Florina Serbu, teacher of history
Who was Nicolae Ceausescu?
What did he do?
Nicolae Ceausescu was the general secretary of the Romanian Communist
Party, which was the only political force in Romania, the president of
Romania, the supreme commander of the army. Then there were no democracy,
man had no right to express freely, there was terror everywhere. The man
had no right to be a private enterprising, he killed every initiative
from the beginning. As a compulsion force
he use the Security. If you had a "political lair", the Security
was fulfilling his duty entirely. Those nostalgic probably forgot the
endless tails for some meat, for one litter of milk, for a chicken and
others. They forgot probably that the every day stress was brought by
the fact that the fridge was empty, that the next day you don't have what
to eat, what to give your kids to eat, that in the house was very cold,
although the "precious information" to put one more coat to
keep you warmth didn't work, they were stressing you even harder. After
a hard day at work, after standing at those tails, in the
evening when you try to feel as much conformable as you can, the stress
increases even harder when in those two hours of broadcast on the only
TV station you seen the activity of "the most beloved son".
The memory of this nightmare is still alive and this is why I donut understand
those nostalgic and if even the living standard in Romania is low I have
trust in the working force, in the intelligence, in the creativity and
the discrimination of the romanian
I interviewed my mother, Aurica Mihailescu, 36 years
Dan Mihailescu,grade 7A, Eforie Nord School
Coordinator Florina Serbu