

I think that communism is based on a such powerful thing - people and words ''Land for poor - factory for workers'' are great. But communism was destroyed in our country only some years ago.But it's still ''nervous'' in all region of USSR and communism is the first reason. My father told me that communism hadn't a fine thing of course. Lenin, Stalin, Hruchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev were people who wanted to be great like Russia before communism and January revolution. Principal words of communists were or really are ''...all that you have belongs to our country..." that's why people wanted communism only from it's positive side. So I decided to tell that communism was ''unreal point'' in human history and I think that it won't come back again.

Belousov Vladimir, school #40, form 10 "B" Taraz, Kazakhstan

People lived on the earth two thousand years ago.Every generetions has in their life good and bad minutes.People always do the world better owing to their image.In 1850s people invented the first railway.In 1920s they invented elephone
and planes.But in 1950-90s they invented all the things which they needed.It was telephone, planes,TV,railway and so on.When I asked mother about life in my country,when she was young,she told me about that.As the other
people,who lived erlier in the Soviet Union,my mother compared our life with the life "before" She said to me,that earlier she lived very well, because she bought very cheap food,she received cheap medicine services and also she received free education.When she was young,in their country some groups of people organized only one Communist Party of the Soviet Union. That Party decided peoples questions. Member
of the Party did all the things in order to help the people.That Communist Party consisted of rich people, peasants and people,who worked on the factorys.




But my mother told me that in their time peole didn't have gas and the doctor couldn't invent some medicines for serious illness.Today (2001) we have all the conditions in order to
live in our world. We invented omputers, typerecords,different medicines.T
oday some parts of people can buy a computer,but another part can buy only bread and sweet for their children.It is very sad.All the adults compared our life with the life "before" and they say:"when they were young they lived very well."

Hignyac Vera, form10-B, School #40,
Taraz, Kazahstan.

When my mother was young, in 70s, they, as teenagers in other time, shocked their parents.They used to wear mini skirts, they used to use cosmetics, they used to wear trousers-clyosh, and boys used to have long hair and girls short hair.Of course, they used to go to discotecs, where they danced '' Shake''. In their time they went to campaign and listend to ABBA, Beatles, Joe Dassin, Chilintano,
Vysotsky, '' Mashina of time'', and others.
There were pioneers and Komsomol organizations. All students went into such organizations. They conducted meetings, where they decided school problems. As
they were pioneers, they did '' Timur's '' work, that is they helped old people-they tidied old people's house, took care of garden, went shopping.
My mother lived, when socialistic system existed. There were
communists, but they couldn't '' build '' communist system.
My mother said, their parents, our grandparents, had regular job and salary (2 time per month-once it was advance and then salary). In that time education was non-paying and there were 10 grades in school. People were sure in theirs future. Those were pluses of this system. But there were minuses too. For example, for businessmen there weren't conditions, their business was considered as speculation. And one more minus was deficit of food. Generally, my
parent's attitude to socialistic system is positive, because then it was better, than now.

Chekushina Lena, School # 40, form 10'B'

Taraz, Kazakhstan.




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