I started to search into books, I asked my parents, I watched TV, to
understand what it was then and how it's now. Everybody told me almost
the same thing: that you could not find anything but somehow they managed.
They didn't have food, heat, light, freedom. Today, some of us, don't
have money.Then they were equal, they didn't have anything. Today are
ones who have and most of them, are poor.
But most of the ones who were telling me about all this things forgot
to tell me what for the people in December 1989 came out in the street
for money, or for freedom?
I believe that it was for freedom, because Ceausescu offered them one
hundred lei but they didn't came out in the street just for food, light,
heat, hot water, but for free election, having strikes, bringig to trial
almost anyone, building a house, geting a mobile phone, getting a foreign
car, being a business man, going to trips, geting on the internet, studying
in foreign countries, watching TV, PRO TV, and much more.
The year 2000 offeres you a alternatives in all kind of fields. Now
you can choose the school, you can have option about studying in a city
school or a private one, you choose your place to work and the country
you want to work. Democracy got money of us unprepared. They don't even
know well what democracy means, about economy on the market, citizen's
but what they know is that in the comunism's name people were killed,
just because they wanted something else and they know more that my generation
isn't happy to say they it's doesn't have, can't, it's too hard, it's
to much, they will do whatever it will take them to have what they want,
and if they want succed it won't be the American's, or the Russian's
fault, error, or the the guverments administration or neighbors, but
they will be the only onest responsible for.
The interview was realized with my father's
help, Nicu Olteanu, 42 years old, engines-mechanic.
Florin Olteanu, 8th grade A
Eforie Nord School, Romania
Coordinator Florina Serbu-history teacher
What my mother says
I was born at 1st march 1987 and because of this my
memories about communism are reduced, and that's why my parents told
me a few things about communism.
My mother told me about the regime communism when it began in 1948 through
the formation of the "Romanian working party" under the leadership
of Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej. All the communism activity it was control
from there.
The clothes were not found.
My father told me how he was going fishing all summer to collect some
money for buying clothes.
In the ceausist period (1965-1989) it was seen an economic process:
it was develop the aeronautics industry and the maritime transports,
it was built a nuclear central.
It was develop the agriculture and the production of cereals.
All was an false image in the community because the dictator Ceausescu
and his family were conduct every thing and that's why it cause the
creation of large duty extern and internee and
the population at a feeding partial.
My parents are remember about the economic crises of the last communism
When they came home from work, it wasn't electric current.
Thanks to the ceausist dictatorship, the man's rights were not respect.
The culture of the people was conduct: on the television it was a program
for two ours about the politic, the press and theater spectacles, the
films were with communist subjects.
The tourists who were coming to our country were supervise and we can't
come in contact with them.
I interviewed my mother, Andrei Laurentia, 45 years
Andrei Longin, 7th grade A
Eforie Nord School, Romania
Coordinator Florina Serbu-history teacher