Bolsheuholodskaya School, Borisov
Hello , friends!
My name is Alesya. I have a dog. Her name is Pushok. She is very clever
and she has puppies. I love her very much and feed her. Pushok runs
behind me, guards me. Once she has shown me the road to my daddy`s work.
She is always very glad to see me. And I love him very much.
Yours Alesya
Hello, friends!
My name is Victoria. I`m 11 years old. I would like to tell you
about my dog, who is live with me for 10 years. His name is Buran. He
is very beautiful. His body is red and he looks like a fox. It is very
interesting to play with him. Buran doesn`t like cats and when he sees
the cat he always try to catch him. When he was small he liked to lick
my hands very much. I think that my dog is very interesting and clever.
I love him very much and will love forever.
Yours Victoria.
Hello , friends!
My name is Kristina. I live in Bolshaya Uholoda.I have a parrot.
His name is Petrusha. He is my friend. I like to play with him. I teach
him to speak. I love him and he loves me. We are friends.
Hello, friends!
My name is Dasha. I have two dogs and I would like to tell you about
one of them. My dog`s name is Polkan and he is very clever and funny.
I like to play with him. Polkan likes when I throw him a stick and he
catchs it. Also he likes a plastic bottle full of water to play with.
I like Polkan very much and I think he loves me too.
Yours Dasha.
Hello, friends!
My name is Kolya. I live in Bolshaya Uholoda. I have a friend. It
is my cat Marilyn. Everyone loves her. She has an interesting colouring.Her
neck is white and her nose is white too. Her body is black. Marilyn
is very kind and interesting. I love her very much.
Yours Kolya

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina