Me and my pet



Coordinators discussions

Hello! Happy New Year
We are students of Kiev gymnasium #30 "EkoNad" .We are 12 or 13 years old. We would like to take part in the progect "Me and my pet.

Our adress : Gymnasium #30 "EkoNad"
30 -Â Berezniakovskaya Str.
Kiev, Ukraine

Hi, Florina.
We’re from Belarus. We’ve just learnt about your project and we’d like to take part in it if we are not late. We are from 11 to 12.

With respect Katerina (the teacher).

Hello Florina!
My name is Alena. My students and I would like to take part in the project "Me and my pet". My students are 9-10 years old

Best regards, Alena Beliayeuskaya
Minsk, Belarus, Gymnasium#2

Hello, we are pupils & teachers of scholl #3, Slonim, Grodno region, Belarus. We'd like to participate in your prolect. The topic we have chosen is "Me and My Pet" What do we have to do to start the work?

Iren Valjukevich
Sergey Medved
Vladimir Murashov
Sergey Yanushevich
Our e-mail:

Vom incepe sa va trimitem contributiile copiilor nostri pentru proiectul My Pet, va rugam sa ne confirmati daca le primiti si daca sunt probleme. Cele unde copiii au desenat vor avea atasat desenul in format jpg. Va dorim numai bine,

Carolina Lazarescu si Ioana Dumitru

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina Serbu