Eforie Nord School
My pet is a rabbit and his name is Silver. I got
him when he was three months old and I have him for eight months. Of
all the animals that I have seen, the rabbits is the nicest and most
intelligent. His fur is white and grey, and his eyes are brown. When
I call his name he cames to me very quikly. Silver eats a lot of vegetables
but his favorite is cabbage and carots. If I give him sugar,he will
come and eat all if I am not careful he will bite me, but I don't mind
because I'm very kind with him.
Curtali Fildis Adrian, 5A
For my birthday I got a pet. It is a dog,
its name is Ronno. It is not a poppy any more, it is over one year old
and it is agood dog. It is a playful dog, very inteligent and listen
to my comands. It lives in my grandma' s yard. My father made a kennel
for Ronno. It eats a lot
every day. We feed him with beef, chicken rice, pet' s food and others.
I like him a lot, and I like to take him for walks
in the park or at the beach.
Abdula Claudia, 6th form A
Mereu mi-am dorit sa am un caine de rasa. Acum un an
parintii mei mi-au luat un caine de rasa caniche. Este un caine cu aspect
elegant, constitutie fina cap usor ascutit spre trufa cu unghi fronto-nazal
putin evident, linia nasului dreapta, ochii mici si rotunzi. Trufa este
neagra. Urechile lungi, atarnate, au varful rotunjit. Gatul frumos arcuit,
coada purtata vertical o are scurta jumatate din lungimea obijnuita.
Are parul buclat de lungime mijlocie destul de matasos. Mily este de
marime mijlocie si creste in jur de 35-45cm si cantareste intre 8-10
kg. Rasa caniche provine dintr-o rasa veche, cu originea disputata presupundu-se
ca unul din stramos ar fi Barbetul (rasa de caini de vanatoare de apa).
Cainele care este de rasa caniche este inteligent, usor de educat, vioi
prietenos. Pretinde procupare din partea stapanului pentru educatie
si intretinerea parului. Atasat pana la sacrificiul desine de stapan
si de nfamilie. Iubeste copii, fiind un partener ideal de joaca al acestora.
Este un caine ideal de apartament si este raspandit in aceasta calitate
pe tot globul.
Mincea Adela, clasa a V a A
Prof. coordonator Florina Serbu

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina