Kaunas Silainiu Secondary School
I have a dog.My dog's name is ''Barsas''.When
I was nine years old I've got it as a present for my birthday.It was
little and it liked to sleep. Now it is about five years old.I am very
happy that I have got it.Now I play with it when I am sad and happy.I
sleep, go for a walk,eat with it.It eats everything that I and my mother
eats.It waits for me every day when I come back from school.When I give
him ''Chappi'',it becomes very happy.My dog is very beautiful and small.It
looks like a toy to me.I like to play with it with a tennis ball.It
understands my comands.
Rimantas Butrimavicius 8a
I have a dog. Its name Jorkas. He is one year old. He is cur . I have
it because i like dogs. It came into our family two days before Christmas.
The taught with it possible. I taught some things. When I order he can
sit, lie, to roll over, bark, to give a paw. Sister, I and my mum feeds
it. We give him special dogs food, but sometimes we give the food that
we eat. He likes all kind of fruits and vegetables. He sleeps in my
bed or in my sisters bed. He loves to play with rubber band and with
a ball. Now I tell you a happy story that happened in my dogs life.
One day I went to school in the morning, my mum was doing the laundry.
When she finished, she didnt see the dog in the bathroom and locked
him in there My dog sat there until Icame home from school. When I came
to my flat and began to call him. I didnt find him he was barking some
where and when I opened bathrooms door my was so happy to see me that
he even jumped on me and he licked me. I was frightened because he was
all wet. Then I fed my dog and he slept all day long.
Vilma Matulionyte
Me and my pet
I have a dog. It's breed is - kulcharas. Just
only few people know that breed. My dog is black with spots. It's name
is Baksas. I think, that it is a very interesting name. I like it. Six
years ago my mother took it from her friend. She had a lot of pupies,
so she gave us one. My father hated him, he was very angry. But now,
he likes it. I think, that it is not very clever. Maybe he is fool.
My dog obeys the commands. But sometimes it forgets. He understands
me. Sometimes it is a clever dog. Baksas eats all kind of food. It likes
bones. Bones are his favourite food. Usualy it eats jumbles. It drinks
water and likes milk. My mother feeds it and sometimes - I. But I hate
to feed it. Baksas sleeps in my room, near the radiator. Sometimes it
sleeps in the bathroom, it is very warm there. I think, it wants to
sleep on a bed, but my mother doesn't let him. But I let. Sometimes
I call him Fidget, Fidget ! It plays, plays and plays. I think it is
good. But I hate when it plays with my toys, especially with speaking
My dog is healthy. It has never been sick. One or two times it got poisoned.
It's not a very big illnes, but we look after him. I think the happiest
event was when he became a father. He had eight pupies. They were very
nice. It don't have a sad event of it's live. Baksas is a lucky dog.
Nele Pauliukonyte 8 B form
Kaunas Silainiai secondary school

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina