Gymnasium 1, Slonim, Belarus
I have the nicest pet on the earth! It is a cat.We
called him Ryzhik,because his fur is red and when he was little
he looked like a mushroom - a saffron milk cap. Now he is 2. He
is red and white with a long fluffy tail.We got Ryzhik by chance.
Would you like to know how? ...One cold autumn evening I, my Mom,
my brother and me were going home. Suddenly we saw something on
the ground. It was a kitten.It was so pretty, with a red cap on
his head, a red
tail-coat, a white shirt and white socks.When he noticed us he followed
us keeping his tail straight up.He didn't run, he walked proudly.
He didn't want to go away and entered our house as if he always
lived there. We took him,warmed him,washed him and gave him milk.
Now he is a member of our family,we adore him, he has his sleeping
place,his plates and food. I look after Ryzhik with my brother.We
give him milk,fish,meat and vitamines. He is greatful after his
dinner and screws his eyes with delight very funny.I wash his plates
and clean his sleeping place.At night he sleeps in a box.I put there
some cotton wool to make his bed soft.When it is warm he likes to
bask in the sun.Sometimes Ryzhik is very idle and sleepy and doesn't
want to play.He only moves the end of his tail and opens his green
eyes and asks
Don't touch me,please.'But usually he is very active.HIs character
is calm and tender.He never scratches me. I think my pet understands
me. When I am unhappy he sits on my knees and pats me with his head
or licks my face and hands.I like to draw him and compose short
poems about him.
Nastya Kolenko 11 years
My Cat
My pet is a cat.
His name is Red
His tail is long,
He sings his song.
He likes to eat
Very tasty meat.
He likes to be in the house
And catch a little grey mouse.
Best regards,
Me and My Pet
I am happy to have a wonderful pet.I think you will like him too.His
name is Maxim,but I call him Max for short.Max is 1 now,but I remember
the day he was born. It was on the 24th of May 2000.He was so helpless.We
couldn't take him from his mother till he was 2 weeks.Now Max is a beautiful,big
and strong Angora cat.He has got shining long black fur,big green eyes,a
long bushy tail,which he always holds straight up, and a pink nose.I
love my pet and he loves me too.He always meets me at the door,when
I come home from school and starts mewing as if he wants to tell me
about his life without me (he hates to be alone).Every time he mews
differently :happily, demanding,angrilly or merrily. I take him in my
arms and he embraces me with his paws.Max is a real little rogue and
likes to play tricks on my Mum. When she walks barefoot he bites her
heels and gets crazy when she cries or runs away.Max is naughty,he likes
to run straight up he walls or furniture. So we often see pieces of
glass on the floor and the traces of his paws on our sofa or armchairs.I
don't mind it, after all who would like to have a sleepy cat? Every
cat has his faults, but my Mother gets angry. Max is very active and
gay.He likes to play with different toys.His favourite toy is a doll,
that can't lie Nevalyashka.It stands on the shelf but Max gets it and
has a lot of fun with it. He jumps,turns somersaults and crawls around.
I look after my pet myself.I read about cats' habits in a book.Max prefers
fish,in the mor- ning he eats oatmeal porridge with milk.Max doesn't
like soup even when he is hungry.I always sacrifice the best piece of
meat for him.I take him out for a walk into the yard,comb his fur regularly.
I like to take Max in my arms.When I hear his tender purring I forget
all my problems.My life without him would be dull.
Vika Smirnova 11 years
I have a pet. His name is Kuzma , but we call him
Kuzya. Kuzya is not a blood cat. He is ordinary.But how beautiful
he is! His fur is grey with symmetrical black stripes , that's why I
sometimes call him 'tiger'. But the most important
decoration is a white shirt-front on his chest. My cat is very brave.
When he was a kitten he killed a big rat and now he is the best at catching
mice in our street. Kuzya is a real gourment. His favourite food is
fish ,oatmeal porridge and milk. He doesn't forget about vitamines and
eats sprout wheat with great pleasure. Kuzya is very tidy. He never
makes a mess in the house. When he wants to go out he mews in a special
way and I understand him. I think the most important thing about my
cat is that he and I are great friends. I look after him, give him food
and drink, clean him and he loves me and likes to play with me.
Sasha Trebuhovsky 11 Belarus Slonim
Gymnasium 1

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Last updated October 2001 | For more information contact Florina